Deep Dive into the World of Architecture | Сторінка 3
Gothic Architecture
The Gothic style in architecture emerged in the Middle Ages and marked a new stage in the development of European architecture. Its name derives from the Italian word "gotica," used in the Renaissance to derogatorily refer to everything medieval. However, Gothic cathedrals continue to awe with their grandeur and beauty. Origins of the Gothic Style Gothic style originated in France in the 12th century
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Greek and Roman Architecture
Ancient Greek and Roman architecture is rightly considered the cradle of European civilization. It was in these countries that many architectural orders originated and developed, which subsequently became models for imitation. Features of Greek Architecture For Greek architects, a penchant for harmony, proportionality, and symmetry was characteristic
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Ancient Egyptian Architecture
Ancient Egyptian architecture is rightfully considered one of the greatest architectural traditions in the world
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Mixed-Use Buildings
In modern urban planning, the concept of mixed-use buildings is gaining increasing popularity. This approach combines different functions in one building or complex - housing, offices, shops, entertainment
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Carbon Accounting and Retrofit in Architectural Planning
Climate change is one of the most acute global problems of our time. Anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, primarily CO2, lead to an increase in the planet's temperature with all the ensuing negative consequences
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Using Biomaterials in Architectural Planning
In recent years, architects and designers increasingly turn to the use of biomaterials in building and structure design. This approach makes architecture more environmentally friendly and sustainable. The growing demand is stimulating the development of new biomaterials suitable for construction. Definition of Biomaterials Biomaterials are building materials derived from renewable biological resources
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Trends in Modern Prefabricated Construction
In this article, we will explore the modern trends in the field of prefabricated construction. Modern prefabricated homes possess a unique "wow factor" and are designed with comfort and convenience for individuals with limited physical abilities in mind
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Several new aspects of the Bauhaus school
The Bauhaus Archive in Berlin, home to the world's largest collection related to the history of the school, celebrated its centenary in 2019. For this significant event, the archive presented 100 new objects
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«Golden Gate» in Kyiv Makes the Top of the World's Most Beautiful Subway Stations
In celebration of the opening of the Fulton Center station in New York, the renowned publication The Guardian compiled a list of the most impressive and beautiful subway stations around the world. The publication emphasized that subways are often associated with dirt and disorder
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The Art of Building Facade Lighting
In today's world, architecture and lighting are inseparably linked, transforming buildings from merely functional structures into works of art. Building facade lighting has become a vital part of urban design, highlighting the beauty and uniqueness of architectural forms
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Ancient Ukrainian Architecture in the Czech Republic
While traveling through the Czech lands, one cannot ignore the Ukrainian architectural monuments. These meticulous wooden structures primarily stand on natural hills, delighting the eye with intricate carvings and impeccable proportions of domes and bell towers. We are talking about the monuments of Ukrainian folk sacred architecture in the Czech Republic, which are listed in the national registry and are under state protection
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